This policy outlines how Crwys Medical Centre will comply with the Welsh language duties placed on independent primary care contractors in Wales, ensuring that services meet the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards and promote equitable access for Welsh-speaking patients.
This policy applies to all staff, contractors, and services provided under the GP contract with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (UHB).
Welsh Language Duties
Duty 1: Notification of Welsh Language Services
Where the practice provides services, or any part of a service, through the medium of Welsh:
- The Practice Manager will notify the UHB in writing of the services available in Welsh.
- Updates to Welsh-medium services will also be communicated promptly.
- The surgery website is also available in Welsh (and over 100 other languages) by accessing the translator toolbar located at the top right of the home page and selecting the chosen language
Duty 2: Provision of Welsh Language Documents
- The practice will ensure that all documents or forms provided by the UHB are made available to patients and members of the public in Welsh.
- Welsh language versions of such documents will be displayed alongside English versions, ensuring equal accessibility.
Duty 3: Bilingual Signs and Notices
- All new signs or notices displayed in connection with services provided under the contract will include text in both Welsh and English.
- Translation services offered by the UHB will be utilised to ensure accuracy in Welsh language signage.
- Existing signage will be reviewed periodically to align with this duty where feasible.
Duty 4: Use of Welsh Language Badges
- Staff members who provide services in Welsh will be encouraged to wear badges indicating their Welsh language skills.
- The practice will work with the UHB to provide appropriate badges and communicate their availability to staff.
Duty 5: Awareness and Training
To support the integration of Welsh language awareness:
- Staff will be encouraged to access information and attend training courses or events provided by the UHB.
- Training will include:
a. Awareness of the Welsh language, its history, and its cultural significance.
b. Practical guidance on using the Welsh language in service delivery.
Duty 6: Establishing and Recording Language Preferences
- The practice will:
a. Encourage staff to ask patients about their language preferences during consultations, registration, or at other appropriate points of interaction.
b. Record the patient’s language preference in the patient’s medical records and ensure it is accessible for reference when providing care.
Staff Responsibilities
- All Staff: Follow this policy in interactions with patients and ensure compliance with Welsh language duties.
- Practice Manager: Oversee implementation, monitor compliance, liaise with the UHB, and report any changes to services.
Monitoring and Review
- Compliance with the Welsh language duties will be reviewed annually.
- Feedback from patients and staff regarding Welsh language services will be encouraged and used to improve practice compliance.
Communication of this Policy
- This policy will be shared with all staff and included in staff induction materials.
- Patients will be informed of Welsh language services through posters, leaflets, and the practice website.
By adopting this policy Crwys Medical Centre reaffirms its commitment to delivering equitable and inclusive services that respect and promote the Welsh language.
Welsh Speaking Staff
Dr Dafydd Rees - Senior Partner
Charlene Alexander - Care Navigator and Trainee Health Care Support Worker