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Waiting Times & Live Hospital Information

Information about hospital waiting times

The information shown is only to be used as a guide. The data cannot tell you where you are on the waiting list. Its aim is to help you better understand how long people in your Local Health Board are waiting. It is important to bear in mind:

  • Everyone is an individual and your care is managed based on your clinical urgency.
  • Patients with more urgent clinical needs will have shorter waiting times.
  • There are national waiting times targets. Waiting times will be different by specialty and location and the NHS is working to make these better over time.

It is important that you are supported to keep yourself well whilst you wait. You can visit the Live Well and Health A-Z pages of this website. Your local health board’s website may have further information and help if available.

The waiting time information shown is not live data but is based on an end of month snapshot. Specialties with less than 200 patient pathways waiting will not be reported.

Please click the image below to go to the Cardiff & Vale Hospital Waiting Times section of the NHS 111 Wales website where you will be able to review details of all available hospital departments.

hospital department sign

Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley

Community hospital
Non 24 hour

Penrhos Beach Road
LL65 2QA

  03000 850022

Additional information

Opening hours: Open 7 days a week 08:00 - 20:00. Open bank holidays.

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